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                   aka   Deadlier Than the Male

From the files of Ellery Queen
Here is a hair-raising collection of stories about women who killed...who killed for money...who killed out of jealousy...who killed for the sheer love of killing. Mothers. Daughters. Wives. Girl friends. Schoolgirls. Hardened gun molls. Murderers all!
Read about: The mother who murdered her son's wife. The beautiful pistol-packing hillbilly who made Dillinger look like Casper Milquetoast. The schoolgirl killers who even went Leopold and Loeb one better. And dozens of other horrifying tales.


   The first of the series in "American Weekly" of February 16, 1958
Above: The first of the series in American Weekly of February 16, 1958

Deadlier than the male - cover first edition paperback printed and published in Great Britian by Corgi Transworld, GC7480, 1966.The Woman in the Case - cover pocket book edition, Bantam, April 1966 (1st).Allegedly financially rewarding work Manny did, dating back to 1952 when the editors of American Weekly began providing him with the investigative files of several true-crime cases, which he turned into short essays.


These stories were all published originally in The American Weekly during 1958 and 1959. Lee's second true crime book published under the Queen name and based on material collected by various researchers. The first was Ellery Queen's International Case Book (1964).

נשים קטלניות (The Woman in the Case) - cover Hebrew editionOs Crimes de Eva - cover Portuguese edition, Colecção Policial de Bolso nº. 24, Edições de Bolso, Agência Internacional de Livraria e Publicações, Lisboa, 1967

The Women in the Case translations
Hebrew: ננשים קטלניות 
Portuguese: Os Crimes de Eva 


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